References and track records in consulting
Sensor Technology area:
- number of top-10 of sensor supplier customers; (in US, Europe, and in Asia)
- tens of sensor device manufacturers (smart phones, wearables, medical devices, automotive, IoT)
- number of market research companies, law firms, financing and investor houses, VCs
- Excellent feedback and continuing customer basis
- Topics in:
- Sensor business review
- Sensor technology review
- Competitiveness analysis
- Sensor application and use case analysis and development
- Competitor analysis
- IP studies, expert opinions
Patents and IP area:
- tens of SME customers; (start-up companies, global players, investors, VCs)
- number of law firms
- number of financing and investor houses, VCs
- Excellent feedback
- Topics:
- Idea, innovation, patenting analysis and process
- Patenting strategy
- Patent and patent portfolio analysis
- Competitor’s patent portfolio analysis
- Patent and claim analysis
- Expert opinions and claim charts
”Excellent sensor technology and IP competence and reporting quality.”
”Executed in a flexible and effective co-operation with full trust and confidentiality.”